
Kristy McCay wrote on July 19th, 2018
Jason, Im sure going to miss you sweet cousin. I can hear you telling me I should be sleeping but I can't bc I'm remembering us growing up and playing together at Grandma&Gradaddy Wooldridges house. You and Joey would spend nights at our house in the summer time, we would ride bikes, play ball & shoot fireworks, then we were grown, my daughter loves horses about as much as you did. She even seen you not too long ago when she went to look at one. I even seen you at the Liberty gas station not even a month ago. It was so great to see you that day. There are so many good memories of us growing up. I'm missing you and feeling kind of lost. I will definitely keep looking out on Luke. God knows I will. God Rest your Soul dear sweet friend&Cuz. Love you Big
Barbara Piper. Huntsville, AL wrote on July 17th, 2018
Jason was so sweet and good to his Grandmother Mrs. Jeanna Ezell, who he took care of much of the time. Prayers are with the Family for the loss.