
Alexandra wrote on May 19th, 2020
Mooie inhoud! Goed doel. We gaan ervoor om de wereld groener en mooier te maken. Hartelijke groet.
Michiel de Ruyter wrote on December 6th, 2016
Piet Hein, Piet Hein, Piet Hein zijn naam is klein
Zijn daden bennen groot, zijn daden bennen groot
Die heeft gewonnen de Zilveren Vloot!

Make nature great again!
Svetlana wrote on August 16th, 2016
Piet Hein, I belive in yours honorable intentions and good purpose. I wish you acheave a goal in all yours start up!
Peris wrote on August 8th, 2016
I love the work that your doing..
Nicole wrote on August 8th, 2016
You are doing a great job ....good ideas good luck all the way
Babette wrote on August 5th, 2016
This is vert important work. People should help you.
Gabrielle wrote on August 5th, 2016
Very good work PH!